Wednesday 15 August 2012

Nothing that can't be explained

I can't scare my kids

I can't scare them with talk of ghosts, ghouls, vampires or werewolves. None of the scary things I see on the TV show Supernatural.

And why?

Because of I told them about James Randi.

Mr Randi had been offering one million dollars to anyone who can do something inexplicable (paranormal) under controlled conditions

He has been offering this bounty since 1964 (it has been one million since 1996). No takers yet.

So now my kids know that there's nothing that can't be explained.

No mind-reading. No telekinesis. No teleporting.

No magic. Only illusions.

I am happy that we live in a world that is full of wonder, but devoid of silly fears and superstitions.

Check out the James Randi Educational Foundation for more information.