Saturday 18 August 2012

James Randi - Debunker Extraordinaire

I mentioned James Randi and his one million dollar challenge in my last posting.

Mr Randi has been debunking fakes, frauds and charlatans for many years. His targets are the people who do not claim to be magicians/illusionists, but instead claim to have paranormal powers.

Some of the people are quite harmless - misguided entertainers. Some are quite dangerous - people who claim to be able to communicate with the dead, or to heal people.

There are lots of interesting YouTube videos about Mr Randi. Here are some examples of the people/powers which he has debunked:

Uri Geller (spoon bender) and Peter Popoff ("faith healer")
James Hydrick who claimed to be able to move objects with his mind
"Magnet Man" who claimed that metal objects would stick to him

Sylvia Browne who agreed in 2001 to submit to a test by Mr Randi (and we're all still waiting!)

Psychic Crime Solving
Crystal Power
Thought Transference
Psychic Artist
Aura Reading

And here is a video of Mr Randi on astrology that I am including because it features two of my favourite celebrities: Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie: