Monday 30 July 2012

Robotics+AI=Robot Vacuum Cleaner

I recently wrote about robots and artificial intelligence.

I cannot leave those two subjects without mentioning what may well be the pinnacle of achievement of those two endeavours: the robot vacuum cleaner!

Imagine a device which can:
  • Vacuum your house, and can remember where it has been and where it has not.
  • Navigate around obstacles, and which is smart enough not to fall down steps.
  • Return to its base when it has finished or when it needs to recharge.

You don't need to imagine such a device, you can go out and buy one.

The newest ones can even return to their base to empty themselves!

Pure genius.

I don't have one myself, but I know someone who has and she loves it.

So if I sounded in previous postings as if I were disappointed with the progress in robotics and AI then I now stand corrected!!

Here is a picture of a recent self-emptying model parked at its base station:
So if you're ever wondering what to get me for my birthday...