Monday 5 August 2013

Blocking websites

I happened to try to access the Pirate Bay website the other day and I got the following message from my ISP here in Ireland:

This happened on foot of a High Court order in June to 6 ISPs ordering them to block access to the Pirate Bay. The action was taken by EMI, Sony, Warner Music and Universal.

I think this is very foolish for a number of reasons:

1) As I pointed out in a previous post, downloading is dying. People can get music and movies on demand from services such as Grooveshark and Netflix.

2) The Pirate Bay is just one Torrent site. There are many others.

3) Anyone who wishes to access the Pirate Bay can do a simple web search for a "pirate bay proxy" and can access it that way.

Starting to feel a bit like China around here.

And as usual the lawyers are laughing all the way to the bank.