Saturday 25 May 2013

The Hunger Games movie

My kids were watching "The Hunger Games" today. On Netflix as a matter of fact.

Am I the only person in the world who thinks that movie is awful?

It looks awful. The story is awful.

Hate the acting. Hate the directing. Hate the costumes. Hate the cinematograph.

Perhaps I am the only person. IMDB scores it 7.2 and Rotten Tomatoes scores it 85%!

Some critics' comments on the latter website include:

"The phenomenal cast with great chemistry and sincere authentic performances from the older actors empowers the material."

"The first genuine can't miss film of the year that you'll want to go back to the theater to see over and over again."

"Given the recent failure of so many big-budget films, the odds weren't in The Hunger Games favor, either. Thankfully, Hollywood got this one right."

Now even though I know I am not near to being in the target audience for movies like this, I find these comments astonishing. Am I missing something. I don't think so.

I normally finish my postings with an image from the movie, but in this case I'll pass.