Saturday 18 May 2013

Fry and Laurie Reunited

I have been a huge fan of Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie since forever.

In 2010 a TV programme was put together to allow them to discuss their past work together. I missed the program entirely but spotted it on Youtube the other day. What a joy.

The programme was constructed to celebrate the fact that it was 30 years since they first met (in Cambridge of course).

It seems remarkable that they have not worked together since "A Bit of Fry and Laurie" in 1995 (15 years). But that is the fact of the matter. And it is evident from the programme that they are still the best of friends.

I would have thought that Fry would have guested on House at some stage but that never happened.

I take hope in the fact that the following exchange takes place during the programme:
Fry: We never decided to do another Fry and Laurie, did we?
Laurie: The case is still open
Fry: And whenever we talk about these things we still say that we want to work together and do things
Laurie: Would this be a good time to announce...?!

Here is the first of 5 parts: