Sunday 25 January 2015

Stupid, Pointless Traffic Lights

In Ireland we have too many traffic lights.

As if that wasn't bad enough, we have stupid traffic lights.

The diagram below shows the sequence of 6 transitions that we have in a set of lights close to where I live. It is as you come to a T-junction (from the bottom of the letter if that makes sense).

The light spends most of its time in position 1 (red for us).

Then it goes to position 2 for a while, with a filter for cars turning left.

Then it goes through positions 3 and 4 on the way to 5: a full green.

Then it goes to position 6 on the way back to position 1.

Here's my point: positions 3 and 4 have no purpose whatsoever. They just stop the cars filtering left before allowing them to go again! The lights could go directly from 2 to 5. I'm sure in most counties they would do exactly that.

How is it possible that the people who designed and installed those light did not know that?