Sunday 25 January 2015

Looking Back: Asimov's Foundation Series

I mentioned in a previous post that I read Asimov's "Foundation Trilogy" when I was a kid and that I had decided to read all (15!) books in the series.

In September of last year I blogged that I was on the last book in the order in which I decided to read them: "Forward the Foundation".

The last two book, Prelude to Foundation and Forward the Foundation, were, unfortunately, was the weakest books in the series in my opinion.

I was surprised to find the character of Hari Seldon very annoying. He seemed to spend the whole novel moaning and not knowing what to do.

And, as if that wasn't bad enough, the other main character,  Dors Venabili, was even more annoying. I couldn't elaborate on what I thought of her without getting into spoilers.

So for me the last two books I read ended the series on a very low note. If you are planning to read the series then I would advise you to read these book in the right place in the chronology rather than leaving it for the end. You don't want to finish up that way.

So I read the 15 novels as I planned. And, to be frank, they did not live up to my expectations.I think the original three novels were actually the best.