Sunday 13 July 2014

Asimov's Foundation Series

I mentioned in a post back in December that I was going to read the 15 books of Isaac Asimov's Foundation series.

Well I have finished 10 books and I am half way through book 11 (the last book of the original trilogy).

I am enjoying the series very much so far.

But I need to point out 3 areas where (IMHO) Asimov's vision of the future is going to prove very erroneous.

The first is the fact that lots of people smoke. Cigarettes and cigars. That can't be true. I never see anyone smoking in Star Trek or Star Wars. It seems unlikely that this will be commonplace thousands of years in the future.

The second is the delivery of messages by canister: people receive important messages delivered to them in canisters which travel through tubes. Now the canisters themselves are very high-tech apparently (they can be keyed to the recipient's DNA to prevent others from accessing the content) but the idea of messages arriving in a physical format seems crazy.

The third is in relation to the importance of microfilm in the future. Asimov mentions this in a number of his books.

So, in summary, Asimov did not see that smoking was something which would (hopefully) die out and he missed the whole area of the Internet and digital storage.

Well, of course, nobody's perfect!