Sunday, 26 April 2015

Spreadsheets with Rulers

In a recent post I mentioned that I think that Excel should have better support for panes.

The backdrop to this is that you can only split Excel windows on the same workbook.

The backdrop to this is that when you set a column width, or hide a column, or set a background colour for a column, that setting applies to the whole column!

That was bad when a sheet could have  8K rows. It was worse when a sheet could have 64K rows. It is even worse now when a sheet can have 1M rows!

This limitation of columns is another thing which hasn't changed much since the far off days of VisiCalc! Another stark example of a lack of innovation.

Can you imaging a Word Processor where you could only have one ruler for a whole document? It's unthinkable!

So if we combine these two ideas, why couldn't we insert a new ruler at any point in a spreadsheet?

Then you could control columns widths, and hiding, and colours independently every time you have a new ruler.

The mock-up below shows how this might look. Notice that:
  • It's a single worksheet: the rows go from 1 to 19.
  • The background colour changes with each new ruler
  • The column widths change with each new ruler
  • Column B is hidden in the third section without affecting the first two sections.