Monday 14 July 2014

Mike Hall's Asteroids

Every few years I get some excuse to re-examine the Java source code for Asteroids by Mike Hall. This time it was preparing some Java lessons for CoderDojo.

Two things have always really impressed me about this Java app:
  1. It is SUCH a good reproduction of the original game
  2. The code is so nicely done
 Mike Hall has a website called

As well as writing Asteroids, he also did some great work on Dynamic HTML back in the day, including:
I wonder what Mike is doing these days. The footer of his website says "(c) 1999-2014 by Mike Hall" but to be honest I don't think it has changed much since the early 2000's. And things have moved on quite a bit since then!

Anyway, I would recommend playing the game and reading the Java source code to anyone.