Sunday 10 March 2013

Movie Review: Lawless

There are some actors/actress you like, and some you dislike. I don't really know why. I guess there are people you like more and people you like less so maybe it works the same way.

I don't like Shia LaBoeuf. Not entirely sure what it is. He seems to play the same character in every movie. He's always annoying. He's always "mouthy".

I watched Lawless this evening. I had heard good things about it and I thought I'd give it a try. Then I say that Shia was in it and I had a sinking feeling. Then I saw that he was playing his usual role.

I should have stopped watching at that point. But I didn't. I regret that now.

I don't get what it is that people see in this movie. On IMDB it has a rating of 7.3.  I guess not everyone feels the same as I do about Mr LaBoeuf.

My rating: 5/10

Here's a still from the movie that doesn't have you-know-who: